Monday: We finished e-mailing and went to Jiao Xi to get our feet eaten by fish :) And we get a call from Elder Vatcher (one of the senior couples ) and he tells us that they are going to move us!!!!! We hadn't heard anything for a while about our apartment or about decisions or whatever, but ahhhhH!!!!!! You don't understand how excited I am!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D It was the best p=day ever!
We also had a cool experience this week. We were finding at Luo Dong Zhan (Luo Dong train station) and we saw this stand of Bible stuff. So we go look, and it's Jehovah's Witness stuff. This lady comes over and starts talking to us. She's super nice and asks if she can share a scripture with us. Of course we say yes and she does. We were about to leave after giving her an English tract, and Sister DeWitt is like "can we share a scripture from the Book of Mormon?" She says sure. So we do, but it was amazing the difference in her countenance as we bore testimony. It was amazing for us to look back on and we both recognized the power that we had. This was a really nice women sharing a scripture from the Bible, and everything she said was completely true, and we agreed and added our thoughts too. Then we shared, and it just changed. There was something there and we know it was the Spirit. Her countenance went from very nice to "I don't want your English tract" I said "You can give it to your friend" She said "I won't" ANd kinda forced us to take it back. It was really interesting but I was so grateful because I truly felt the power of the Book of Mormon and the Spirit. (Btw we shared a scripture about charity in Moroni). It was cool :)
Tuesday: We went to Taibei and had interviews with president! Taibei is about an hour and 15 by bus. It was great talking to President Jergensen, and I Just always love being in his presence. We didn't get back until pretty late, and we had a lesson with Lin DX. Which we were going to teach one thing, then ended up teaching tithing because our pei ke's Guo Mama and Baba started talking about it. But it felt ok, so we did. Lin DX is our most progressing investigator right now. He's working on getting ready for baptism (word of wisdom) and we gave up chocolate for him. Just until he quits, then I will continue to eat the glorious chocolate from the few packages I've gotten recently :)
Wednesday: We were finding, and it wasn't very productive. People weren't home and we weren't really talking to many people. But we were knocking and just to give you a little taste of my funny companion, everytime someone wouldn't answer the door she said "It's ok, they have a neighbor!!!" It was just a really fun way to lighten the mood and she's so awesome at doing that. There's never a dull moment with her :) Love her!!
Also, we had english class and no one came to our english class...well they did haha but only two men so we couldn't be there with them so we combined classes. Mei guan xi.
Thursday: We had trainee trainer follow up meeting! Sister DeWitt is halfway done with training! So crazy!!! It was fun to see Sister Toronto (who I still call Abby...) and Sister Harvey!!! I love them so much!!!! Then we got back and had a lesson with Lin DX and taught him about the Book of Mormon. Our pei ke, WU JM was awesome. She shared a great experience about the Book of Mormon and Lin DX just soaked it up. To give you an idea of what Lin DX is like, just know that he's not very talkative and at church (which he comes every week) he just sits by himself. But it was just so good. I also shared an experience and just was a really good lesson.
Then Wu JM offered to take us home. It was getting close to 9 and we weren't even sure if we would make it back by 9:30 because we had to take the train to Jiao Xi to meet with Lin DX. But anyway, she then had to pick up her daughter. Her friend was also in the car, which was cool. We invited her to church and she came!!! Then she set up with us and became a new investigator! So fun :) I love this gospel!
Friday: We just had more lessons (This week was a lot of lessons and not a lot of finding time) We have been so blessed. In fact, we hit all of our key indicators this week!!! So many miracles! :D :D :D I have never been happier!!!
Saturday and Sunday were pretty normal. It was super cool cause on Sunday, we needed to find 4 new investigators! And guess what happened? We did it! Well God did it! And we found this super cute family (a husband and wife and 1 year old girl) And they are so prepared!!!! I'm so excited! AND I also had a cool experience . We had 15 minutes to find and we weren't exactly sure which direction to go. So we stopped and said a prayer and I felt like we should go to our home area. So we did and found this super prepared man. It was so awesome. He doesn't live in our area but I just gained more confidence in myself and my decisions and it was cool.
I love this gospel so much. This week was great but we also didn't get to see a lot of our investigators. Mike, wasn't able to come to church and we met with him and had a good first lesson but his friend was also there and he's not really interested so it's kinda awkward. But yea. Other investigators, there's not much to bao gao (report on). No one is super progressing except Lin DX who still doesn't have a baptismal date. I love him so much though :) He'll get there!
This transfer is only 5 weeks long which is sad. And we are already on week two!!! AHHHH! Time flies!
I love this gospel so much and I know that's it's true! Basically that's it! Something I've learned recently is how important prayer is. Prayer truly is communication with God. I realized that I hadn't been asking God his opinion. Or hadn't been asking for specific help. So that's something I've changed and it's been great. I really feel like I'm doing this work with God now. I love it :) I love you all and hope all is well!!!!
Love from Taiwan,
Sister Roberts or Sister Luo
Faces of how it feels as the fish eat your feet |
Fish eating the dead skin off your feet |
unbelievable burger ... cheese, bacon, peanut butter, and banana! Who would ever think ... |
Diagon alley!!! |
fun cookies |
Abby!!!! or I should say Sister Toronto |
Sister Toronot & Sister Harvey!!!! So fun to see them |
new shoes (post-mission) |