This week was great! We saw a lot of cool miracles and had a lot of fun:) We went on 3 more exchanges this week and only have one more left!
We saw a lot of miracles BUT it basically was raining from Thursday to Sunday. No pause.... not complete downpour but enough to make you wet!!! We forgot to take pictures of us in our yu yi's (rain coats/ponchos) Sorry.
But I really actually love exchanges!!!! The week started off with the SongShan sisters. Sister Reinhard and Kim. They are in training and Sister R is training Sister K. I love them both. We had so much fun and saw some cool miracles.
Sister Kwan and Peck came on Thursday. And it was a blast! I love them both! I was Sister Peck's sister training leader when she was born and now she's breaking someone (is someone's second companion). It's just super crazy how time flies! Literally insane. I was with Sister Kwan and it was super fun. She's such a great missionary and just wants to learn so much.
Then the week finished with Sister Austad and Chao. Who are also in training. I was with Sister Chao and I love her! She's pretty shy when talking to people but she's ABC and her parents are from HongKong. So she's picked up Chinese fast. But she's still shy about it. It was a fun exchange as well.
Our investigators are doing great! We're still just working on talking to everyone. And finding the prepared. Huang JM and Leo are doing great! Guess who finished reading the BOM? Leo did.... haha crazy right??? We also met with the dad this week. Xie DX. But it was on exchanges so I wasn't there. It went alright. He's not really willing to read the book though. I talked to Huang JM on the phone the next night and she just was like "I don't know why but I was just so mad. I just told him, you have to read it if you want to know it's true! You pray and you ask and then you get a nice feeling" She's sooooo funny and soo cute. She just told me how she believes it's true. Also her and Leo moved their date a week earlier and asked if we could teach them faster haha. I told them I was leaving on the 23rd of March (transfer day) and she wants to make sure I"m there. Cute. But we wouldn't have moved up their date if they weren't ready. We're going to start sharing commandments this next week. Xie DX has still been coming to church though. He's just more man man lai. Just a little slower.
Liao JM is starting on her family history!!!1 She found her mom's name and submitted it to the temple and is going to go hopefully next week!!!! She's gonna be baptized for her mom!!! Maybe the week after cause she still has to do an interview!!!how incredible is that???? I'M SO EXCITED!!!! She's incredible :)
Dai JM is also working on her family history!!! Yay!!! I can't wait.
So fun miracle that happened. On exchanges last week we met this man named Charlie. He's a nice man. I was crossing the road and this car almost (not really)hit me. We were on foot. I said hello to him because we were both crossing the street and he goes "Hey watch out!" And He's like "Are you not afraid of cars?" I said "No" And we just talked some more. Well he's Christian and he's just like "I try the best that I canto go to church" But he's busy and can't really. Well that was that. He didn't give us his number or anything and we moved on. But then a couple days later, I met him again on the street! I invited him to English class and he said he would try his best. Do you know who came to English class? Charlie did! :)Then we talked to him more and he gave us his number and we tried to set him up for a temple tour (because we're going to do temple tours this next week) and he's like "Ok I'll try" He talked to me about how he's met missionaries a lot and he just thanked me cause he's like "yOu're the only one I've met twice"I just told him I thought it was 神的安排. (God's schedule) and he agreed. He told us that he would try to go to the temple tour. Well we get a call on Sunday from the temple tour sisters and they told us that our english student named Charlie had come to do a temple tour and that he was super cool. They said that he just had a lot of questions about which church was true and yea! It was just really cool :) I love the name Charlie. He reminds me of my friend Charlie in Yilan. Good days.
I have just grown such a strong testimony of faith on my mission. I know that our faith and attitude work hand in hand. And I can just feel a night and day difference when I have faith and when I don't have faith. I know that God works through our faith and if we don't have faith, He literally can't bless us (as much). I hope that made sense. I know God lives. I know Christ lives. I know that through Christ we can become complete. I have seen it in others lives and I have seen it in my own life.
I love you all!!!!!
Sister Roberts