Hey Ya'll!!!! I miss you and love you all!!!
So I had a white Christmas!!!! You are probably like, "what? It's Taiwan" Yea I know it sounds weird, but we had a baptism on Christmas!!! So it was a "white Christmas" How awesome is that???? :D :D :D I love it! She is absolutely the sweetest! She's a little shy, but she's just so steady. I'm so amazed by her dedication to the gospel, and her desire to learn. She carries around her scriptures everywhere! Precious!
So hilarious story... on Sunday, I was playing the piano for church. Well during Lin M.H.'s confirmation, this lady (who had chased me down on my bike earlier this week) walks up to me and starts handing me random dong xi (stuff). She owns a second hand store, and she told me she brought me this stuff. But it's still in the middle of the confirmation!!! I'm like "Shhhhhh, ta men zuo dao gao." (Shhhhh, they are praying) she just kept talking. She wasn't obnoxiously loud, but oh my goodness I was so embarrassed but it was so funny!!!! Sister Beeston looks at me during it and is like "What?" What an adventure. It was sweet of her to bring me things, but the timing was absolutely awful! But it was hilarious :D
We were in Taibei, for two days this week. It was so fun! We had a Christmas party/get together with the whole mission! I saw Sister Harvey, Sister Nau, Sister Hughes, Sister Erickson, and Elder Joley! SO great! We went to a nice hotel and were served great food! There was a talent show, and so much talent! The mission Christmas choir also sang, and they did an amazing nativity scene. It was awesome! In between the scenes from the bible, they added scenes from Elder Holland's first Christmas away from home story, and it was amazing! It talked about understanding Christmas instead of enjoying it. I know that didn't make much sense, but just know it was awesome! We also went to the dedicatory site where President McKay (Sorry if I spelled his name wrong), dedicated Taiwan. It was a spiritual moment because President J. read the dedicatory prayer, and then gave us a few minutes to pray and dedicate our mission. Or rededicate for all the older missionaries. It was a great experience, and I really hope that I will be able to give my all to my mission. I want to come home with absolutely no regrets and to give my heart, might, mind, and strength to God's work here in Taiwan. It's definitely harder said than done, but I will do it :)
So I got to Skype with my family this week!!!!!!! Sister Liu let us use her computer, and it was so nice! She even prepared lunch for us afterward! I have been so blessed here! I also met Sister Huang's (from the Brookfield Ward) friend who is in my ward in Taidong! Skyping was awesome! I wish I had a little more time, but I am grateful nontheless. I was so afraid that I would be sad hanging up, and sad that I had to wait until May to skype them again, but actually it was the opposite. It was motivation to work harder, and to be stronger! It was fantastic! I love them!!!!!!!
I was sick this week. I had/have a cold, and we went home early one day (only 30 min, and after getting permission), and I got to sleep a little extra. It's awful being sick as a missionary. Because you feel so guilty for not working harder, even though you feel awful. Anyway :) I'm getting better, and I actually have never gotten better faster ... usually my colds last a lot longer!
I've seen a lot of miracles this week, we met a lot of great people, and even met two families! it's so amazing!!! I'm so grateful to be here! And know that this is the work of God!
This week I have an invitation for you. My invitation this week is to study page 84 in PMG as a family. It's about member missionary work. It's so important that you support the missionaries, and they need you to go teach with them!!! Pray for missionary opportunities and share the gospel with everyone!!! I know you will be blessed, and I know that it's easier said than done, but you will be surprised who the Lord has prepared.
I know that God watches over each of us. He is anxious to help, and this truly is His work! You are all amazing! Thank you for the e-mails and for the support!!!
Sister Roberts
Luo Jie Mei
(I'll learn how to type characters on the computer some day :) )
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