Sorry I didn't e-mail yesterday. I spent the whole day in bed....and in the bathroom. I was throwing up every hour. There's a bug or something going around the mission. Xing ku wo. I just felt bad for Sister Beeston because she just sat in the apartment. On P-day...while all the other missionaries went up to this amazing beautiful bridge thing. She's amazing though. At the end of the day, I was feeling better and we were just talking and she gasps and says "I know why you got sick!!!!" i was like "Oh yea?" She goes "It's cause I've been praying for opportunities to serve you!" Isn't that just the sweetest? She's amazing and I absolutely love her!!!!
So this week was Chinese New Year which actually was a lot more normal than I thought it would be. I love it though because Sister Beeston and I realized that Chinese New Year is like our Christmas. Except better (minus the fact that we celebrate our Savior's birth) but Christmas is very materialistic, and Chinese New Year, it's all about family. It's so amazing. The Taiwanese people are amazing. I will admit though I was a little disappointed with the fireworks. Or I should say lack of fireworks. I slept through the whole night and didn't hear anything. So sad. Chinese New Year in China was definitely crazier. But it was so awesome to be here and to see all the families together. All the families walking out on the street, and just seeing everyone so happy. It definitely lifted everyone's spirits.
I went to Taibei this week because of a trainer/trainee follow up meeting. I can't believe that I'm more than half way done with training! So so crazy!!! But getting tickets up to Taibei was crazy. There were NO tickets. So we weren't sure if we were going to be able to go up. We ended up getting seats up to Hualian (which is about halfway) then we had to stand the rest of the way. Up to Hualian is about 3 hours, then another 3 hours to Taibei because we were on the slow train. Not the best, but it was worth it. I love hearing from President Jergensen and it was just what I needed. I also got to see Sister Hughes and Sister Erickson!!! I love love love them!!!!! I left the meeting with so much faith and hope and motivation! I love being a missionary!
Sister B and I both agreed that we need to have more faith and we saw results withing the next few days. We found four new investigators on Sunday and 6 the whole week! Amazing! We met this lady Shen XJ (xiao jie - it means ms.) She has a one year old son and she let us in to her house and the son was a lot of a distraction but it was alright. He had squeaker shoes on... haha. Reminded me of China and Amelia's shoes. Anyway, she let us come back and we did and taught the first lesson again because the first time wasn't good and we know she didn't get anything out of it. So yea, but it was more crazy than the first time. They just got home (her, her husband, and her one year old son) so they were sitting down for dinner. So they were eating while we were trying to teach, and then the husband turned the tv on for the son, and the we were about to say the first vision and the son falls on his head so he starts wailing. Poor thing. The dad took the boy out and then it was a lot better. We asked to turn the tv off and from there we had an actual lesson. But the rest of the lesson was just bizzar. She asked "Why do you pray? What do you get from prayer?" She said "If I'm hungry, I eat food. If I'm tired, I sleep. If I need money, I work. Why do you pray? What do I get from prayer" And it was so crazy because I couldn't answer it. Sister B and I were both at a loss for words. The thing is, we knew we weren't supposed to say anything. Like we knew that nothing we said would help. She set up with us again, but we will see how it goes. It'll be around dinner time again, so we have to see.
Chen JM came to Sacrament meeting! She's the one who went to Taibei for Chinese New Year so we couldn't meet with her. But we kept in touch with her daily and she's amazing. She said she was debating on whether she should come to church and she said she just had a feeling that she should come and she said " I think it was the Spirit that they talked about in Church today" She's golden and so amazing. She's our most progressing investigator right now. Her baptismal date is for the 5th of March. So it'll be a bit of a push but we are determined! If she's ready of course by that time.
We got in touch with Wen JM again so hopefully they will start progressing again! And we met another family who let us in and we taught them the first lesson. Her name is Wang XJ and she also has young kids. So it's kinda a challenge. But she committed to start praying. She's awesome. We also met a 16 year old girl named Huang TX (tong xue - student). She's awesome too. It was the smoothest street contact ever. And we have really high hopes for her. We also have another baptismal date, whose name is Wu XS (xian sheng - mister). He said he is willing to come to church but his work is bu yi ding (not certain) so he's not sure. But yea. He's pretty cool. His brother and another guy were there when we contacted him but they were both drunk. And this one guy kept being like "I like you". It was hilarious.
So yea that's pretty much it! :D I'm so glad that our area is finally progressing. My invitation to you all is to pray for missionary opportunities. There has been a big push for member missionary work here in the mission, and i've realized how important members are in missonary work. We met with our stake president today in district meeting and he goes "If you are too busy for missionary work, you need to gain a better testimony of missionary work" So simple but so true. Get involved with the missionaries. They NEED your help. I love you all so much!!!!! I know that this church is God's church. Jesus Christ's church has been restored and it is the same now as it was when He was on the earth. I'm so grateful to have this opportunity to share it. I love Him and I love this work so much.
Love from Taiwan,
Sister Roberts
Big poster |
Sisters Hughes & Erickson |
Train ride |
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