and all through the STL's house,
not a person was breathing correctly...
one laughing
one crying
one praying
one calling the ambulance....
:) Ready to hear what happened this week? Haha ok :) We went one exchanges this week with our wonderful XiZhi Sisters and one sister has bad allergies. Well she ate a cracker and we had just finished our pingu. (evaluation) and suddenly she goes "Sister...we need to go to the hospital right now" And we're all like what the heck??? She's super calm about it but she's like, my tongue is swelling and face is going numb. She has a deathly allergic peanut allergy. But this wasn't a peanut reaction. I say "Do I need to call the ambulance?" She says "Yes" SO I call 119. And her companion talks to them on the phone. One thing happens and the next, and a couple hours later, we are sitting in the ER room while she's super drowsy because she took Benadryl (on purpose) to stop the allergic reaction. It was a fun day. I got to ride in the front of the ambulance and I felt on top of the world!!! Haha. She's fine and it wasn't too bad. :) I love her.
Other than that, everything was great this week!!!! We had the Christmas party on Thursday and it was so fun to see the whole mission together!!!! The Spirit was so wonderful. SO many missionaries together!
Friday we went caroling and it was super fun. We biked to members houses and sang as we biked :)
Saturday and Sunday were the Christmas choir performances. It was incredible!! We had a lot of investigators come and it was just a wonderful experience. I wish I could write more about it but worlds just really aren't enough. Sunday was incredible. Christmas!!! Mom's packages came just in time and so we had presents to open on Christmas morning. Sister Tinsley also loved all the cute little stocking presents. :) Sunday we had 6 people come to church which was awesome!! Then a lot came to the Christmas performance. Next year, we switch church to 1:30! Yikes :) We had dinner at the Bailey's and it was incredible. A real, homecooked American meal! Incredible homemade rolls and delicious dessert! It was perfect! Words cannot describe how much I love them. The Baileys are a senior couple that are in our district! They work with family history and stuff. Then Christmas night we had the choir concert. It was incredible. I sang a solo of What Child is This and I just felt so good. The last time I sang it I just felt as though it was my testimony to the world. To these people, and to the Savior. I know that He lives. I know that He loves us and I know that Jesus is the reason for Christmas.
It was so good talking to family for Christmas and i Just feel it sealed the deal. I love being a missionary and don't ever want to do anything else! Have a great week and more next week! :D
Sister Roberts
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