Hello, 大家好!
The reason why I love 永和 so much is because we are so so so busy. Well there are actually a ton of reasons why I love this place, but one of them is because we are so busy. We teach a lot, and hardly have time for studies. But when we do have time to find, we find miracles!
This week started off by going to YingGe for p-day. It's this little city that is famous for it's pottery. And they let you spin your own pottery. So that's what I did for p-day. Spin pottery :)
Then on Tuesday, we got 2 new investigators which was super cool! One has already dropped us though. That's ok :( Just a tip: if you ever hear someone is meeting with missionaries, encourage them to keep meeting with them!
Tuesday night we also met with our beloved Huang JM and Leo and taught them the Law of Chastity. They love it. THEN ON FRIDAY THEY PASSED THEIR BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW SO WHO IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY?!?!?! THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!! :D YAY!!!!!
Wednesday, we had a lot of lessons. We had a lesson with Rachel, and found out she had a bad experience after church. She accidentally used the men's bathroom to change her son's diaper and someone got mad at her. Then her son was running around the halls after church and ran in between these two sisters and the sisters kinda got mad at Rachel and asked her to "control" her son. She was offended. We were really really sad to hear that and that's the first time that I've had an investigator have a bad experience. :( She told us she doesn't want to go back. But after talking to her and sharing a lesson with her, I think she was reconsidering it. I had a really special moment where I just bore my testimony of how much I loved her. The Spirit was really strong and it was really powerful. After Sister Yee and I talked more about the lesson afterwards, we realized that some things were just kinda off. We prayed about what we should do and just felt that she needed a little time. We actually had the key to her house, so we had to go back and give it to her. So later that week, we went and gave it back. But she started to cry and say "I don't want to say goodbye" and it was actually kinda hard to explain that we just thought she needed some time, and that we would come back in a couple of months. We exchanged contact information. It was really strange though. She was really dramatic and just cried and cried... :(poor thing. I love her a lot.
Sorry for the long paragraph on that one haha. Wednesday's English class was also rough. My children's class has gotten to be a little crazy and I can't seem to find the balance between games and teaching, and I think I've lost my little kids skills... oh well. I have learned that being an English teacher isn't the thing for me.
Thursday-Friday we went on exchanges! We went to JingMei and went on exchanges with Sister Wong and Munsee. (I was Sister Wong's breaker) It was really fun! I was with Sister Munsee this time and we just went and chuan'd the jiao :) Made some good goals, talked. I learned a lot and I hope it helped them. I love them a lot.
Saturday, we had an awesome ward activity!!! It was sooo incredible to see all these members that I love sooooo much, all together, and to be smiling and having fun. I love YongHe so so much!!!
Sunday was full of miracles! We had 7 investigators at church!!! So so so crazy! We had ward conference and so the stake president was there, he complimented us on how well we were doing and we also had a couple other members just say how awesome we were doing. They are so excited for the baptisms and for the awesome investigators!!! I love this ward and I'm just so so so grateful that the Lord has been blessing us with so many people to teach!
I know I mentioned this last week, but I've really been trying to make the Sacrament meaningful in my life. And how I can personally apply Jesus Christ and His Atonement in my life, and last week, I really wanted to have more desire, and charity, and just give myself, and as I really focused on those things this week, really prayed and tried to have more love, and not think of myself so much, it happened. I have been happier, and not so worried because I've been focused on others. And I know that it's not anything that I did. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ allows us to be better, to overcome weaknesses, and to be strengthened. I love this gospel so much and I have just felt much more strength and spiritual power in my life. I'm so grateful to be a missionary and I'm just living every last second of it :)
Have a wonderful week and I hope everything goes smoothly!!!
Sister Roberts
Cecily, I am thinking of you and love reading your blog, I felt the spirit when you mentioned the sisters you taught and thank you for your hard working. I met Sis. Abby Toronto last month in sports day of Hualien stake. She is doing great there . You guys are awesome missionary. Love-Jessica from Taitung