Hi everyone,
This week started off pretty rough. I was getting really upset about the language. It's not that I wasn't learning, but I was frustrated because we were teaching lessons to an "investigator" by the third day. I had the attitude of "I CAN'T teach a good lesson if I can't even speak Chinese?? How is it possible?" Well our whole district was thinking that way, and our teacher could tell. So he "broke down" (and spoke in English) and gave us a little pow-wow or mini devotional on faith. It was very very very much needed. He said that we can't see Chinese as an obstacle, but we need to see it as a stepping stone. He also said that the only way we can make Chinese a stepping stone, is through Jesus Christ. FAITH BEFORE CHINESE. And he reminded us that as President Monson has said "The future is as bright as your faith". He also said that Jesus Christ fell so that men might rise. It was just really powerful. I realized that I hadn't once trusted in the Lord in my teaching. And I also realized that I needed to look at what God has given me. He truly has given me the gift of tongues. And I truly have felt that gift this past week.
Name tag
Matching ... unintentional
At the temple
My companion and I decided (the day after the mini devo) that we were going to show our faith in Christ. And that we were going to trust in Him. Our previous lessons had been planned out, every word. But we both felt like we should just try to use the Chinese we know, and teach very simply. We didn't even write out full sentences. Well we wrote out sentences in English, then translated the words we weren't sure about into Chinese. We went into the lesson feeling confident, and I kept telling myself that I was showing my faith. Like in Ether where it talks about how there is no witness until after the trial of your faith. At least I think it's in Ether. So we taught the lesson (lesson #5 btw) and it was incredible. I have never felt the Spirit testify to me as much as it did. We knew that by doing a lesson plan like this, that we had let the Spirit guide us, and the lesson went a little bit different than we thought, but I truly felt guided. For example, we were talking about faith, repentance, and baptism (and we invited her to be baptized btw, she said she didn't know yet. Anyway), and we were talking more about how God will answer our prayers if we ask, and I wanted to bear a small testimony of prayer, and I was trying to look up a page but I couldn't find it. To save my life. Literally it just disappeared. My companion continued and took over, and she bore her testimony, and the conversation sort of moved on but then I felt like I needed to add my testimony to hers, and I literally opened straight to the page. It might sound like a coincidence, but I truly felt like I was guided. It was just such a testimony builder. I learned that I truly need to have faith. But that I am doing HIS work, and I am teaching HIS gospel, and as long as I do my part He will help me. I also learned that it actually is possible to teach a meaningful lesson even though I speak a little Chinese. Which I needed, and I know that the Lord knew I needed it. I'm not really the one who is teaching, the Spirit is. I loved it!
I love my district and I love class! Funny story though, our "investigator" just walked into our class one day as our teacher. We were all shocked. We thought we would never see her again, but she's actually our teacher! How fun :) About class, I have never laughed to much in my life. It's so fun. Our goal is to focus though :) We get a little carried away. The best part is our teacher is a part of it. We even made him walk out of class once because he was laughing so much. Our one teacher (Ge Lao Shi) Is a great actor. Class is literally a game of charades. Well not so much now because we understand more, but he would definitely win a charades competition if there were such a thing.
The MTC has SO many rules (355 to be exact). Actually that's not what I don't like, what I don't like is that we don't know all the rules. Then we "get in trouble for it". For example, a bunch of the Elders and Sisters in my district had brought candy with them (cause everyone gets food in their packages but can't eat them except at 9:30 at night because that's the only time we are allowed to go back). So we would eat candy here and there like during breaks or something, and the next class our teacher decided to give us a 15 min lecture (it was in a nice way though) about why we shouldn't eat candy or anything in the class. We didn't know!!! It's frustrating because that happens all the time. Especially to our poor district leader. He always gets picked on by the Branch Presidency for little things that he didn't know he should be doing or shouldn't be doing. Side note: we have an awesome branch presidency. Our branch president (who is amazing,he used to be an ambassador, he speaks Swedish and French, no biggie). Well the other day Sister Skinner (Ran Jie Mei) wasn't feeling well so she went back (with her companion of course) and slept. But they missed dinner so they hadn't eaten. Well the branch president had come to check on our district and found out they hadn't eaten. So he got us Subway. We all sat on the floor and ate Subway at 10:00 at night! He's such a good man! The other counselors and especially their wives are great too!
We had interviews with our teacher (Wu Lao Shi), the one who was our investigator and ended up being our teacher). She's from Taiwan, and she just said the sweetest thing. She told me that I have definitely been blessed with the gift of tongues. She said that she knew I would bless many in Taiwan, and that the people in Taiwan would love me. I was so touched. She also said (lovingly) that she thinks that spiritual gifts are given to us to help and serve others. And she said that because I was doing really well with Chinese, that I could really help others learn. Then she said "BUT it doesn't help others when you translate all the words into English" I was like "oooops haha" I just translate what the teacher says, but apparently I need to let others speak or try to figure it out too. It makes sense and I definitely should. I am just so grateful. I'm definitely #1 or #2 in my class. One Elder has a really good memory so he knows more words than I do, and his pronunciation is pretty good. I don't mean to sound like "Oh I'm the best", but It has just been such a confidence booster. I just never thought that I was going to catch on as quickly as I have. I know that the Lord has blessed me so much.
One of the sisters in my district/room/class has this amazing hiccup (miracle) trick. I had the hiccups during study and she says "Give me your pinkies" I was like "Um, what?" And she said "Give me your pinkies." I was like "Is is gonna hurt". She said "No" So I handed her my pinkies. She started to rub/massage them lightly, and my hiccups disappeared. I WAS SHOCKED! Like WHAT? TRY IT! Haha it works!!! Seriously!!! :D She said it usually only works three times, but it depends on the person. It's like a miracle haha.
I just wanted to share a couple more quick things that I learned this week.
1. I need to have faith, and trust on the Lord. Completely.
2. Missionary work isn't about me. I'm not learning Chinese to benefit me. I'm learning Chinese to bless the lives of others, and to be able to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the sweet people of Taiwan.
3. If I want to change myself and become better, I need to focus on serving others. And just focus on others.
Well that's all I've got :) I love you all!!! So so much!!!
Sister Roberts
(Luo Jie Mei)
Typical MTC PhotoName tag
Matching ... unintentional
At the temple
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