Hi everyone,
So I felt like this week was a little less eventful. We are now teaching two investigators. Both of our teachers are investigators. But I was sort of...actually really frustrated because I felt like I haven't been taught how to teach. I don't know what makes a good lesson plan, what I should add in my lessons, and I felt like every lesson I was just doing things wrong instead of "This was good, maybe do this to improve it." I hope that made sense. It all turned out to be ok though. I talked to my teachers and had things "sorted out". We had a lesson with our female investigator and she stopped halfway through and walked out and went and grabbed her PMG. The Elder's had told us that she did this to them, and basically told them everything that they were doing wrong, so we kinda knew it was coming. Before she said anything though I told her how I felt, and how I felt like we hadn't learned how to prepare a lesson. So I think that stopped her from saying "This was wrong, this was wrong, etc". So I think things will change now. Fingers crossed. She's from Taipei and I absolutely love her. Sorry to make it sound like she is rude or not a good teacher, but her culture is to just be more straight forward. She's actually awesome though. During class we take the most random breaks. She made us run around the building once. Except it wasn't just once around the building, it was 5 times haha. Then another time, she had us stretch, but she stretched for us! So like she pulled our arms more and stuff. I don't know how to explain it. Then she pinched the pressure point in between your thumb and index finger. It hurt but it woke us up! Then another time, she had us take off our jackets and cardigans, and she had us sit outside on the steps. She told us to "sleep" and when she "woke us up" after a little while, she asked if we were cold. We weren't really (except for my companion cause she's always cold :D ) so she told us to sleep again. We did this like two more times and she got a book and started fanning us asking if we were cold yet! She's hilarious! I love her :) She also wrote our names on cards and passed them around the class and we all wrote compliments to each other. Then she had us close our eyes and she gave us a piece of chocolate. It was so cute. I hope that all made sense. I don't really re-read my emails.
Tuesday was pretty great. The day was normal but the devotional was awesome. Elder Anderson came!!! It was really uplifting. Especially because I sang in the choir. The choir director is awesome and it's like a mini devo just going to choir. And of course the music is beautiful. The devotional was broadcast to all the MTC's and I was on the screen during the choir performance!!! Super cool! Elder Anderson talked about 4 things.
1. Sacrifice. He said that no one's sacrifice is better than the other. We've all sacrificed something to be here, and it is all equal in the Lord's eyes.
2. Opposition. He said if there is no opposition, there's no growth. Life is always going to be uphill. It was good because I realized that I will always have something I'm struggling with, but it is for the best.
3. Adversary. The adversary knows us. He knows how to tempt us. He gave a lot of examples from this past general conference of General Authorities saying the adversary is real. Good reminder.
4. Deliverance. Even through all the hard things we are going through, the Lord is always always there. And He will always deliver us.
I wish I could tell you everything he said. It was so awesome, and unfortunately I just don't have the words.
Our branch is now one district bigger. So instead of two districts, we have three. We got new sisters!!!!! There are now 7 sisters in our branch instead of just us four. Relief society is much bigger thank goodness :) They are all so sweet and we have done our best to help them and make them feel welcome. They are all awesome. And all from Utah :-). They are headed to Taichung, Taiwan.
So this week, we got a notification that we would be an "example district" for a training new MTC teachers meeting thing. And we will be doing this every Wednesday. So basically what we do, is we go and are taught by a random teacher, and the new MTC teachers watch. It was actually really awesome this past week
and I learned a lot. This teacher (who speaks Chinese), taught in half Chinese half English. (So Chinglish :) But she wrote all the subheadings in the Plan of Salvation chapter of PMG. And she had us give her the most important points from each subheading. Then she said "Ok now simplify it" So we did, then she said "Now don't use "church" words" Like Savior, Atonement, Salvation, Eternal, Testimony, etc. It was really cool because she talked about how we need to express our overarching message before we teach a lesson. They need to understand the purpose of the Plan of Salvation, before we teach them about Adam and Eve and Christ's Atonement. I think the biggest thing I learned is that I'm not the one who is teaching. I need to be able to speak simply and clearly so that the Spirit can testify to them and so they can FEEL my message is true, rather than me trying to convince them that it's true.
So these past weeks, I've been studying a lot about Faith. I know how important it is to trust in the Lord, and to have faith that He will help me. But it's easier said than done. So what I've been doing, is I started the Book of Mormon over, and I've been writing down examples of Faith that I find. I gotta say Nephi is AMAZING. I love him! If you don't know what I'm talking about, go find a Book of Mormon, and read it! Seriously! I've learned so much and I only just finished 1 Nephi!
This Sunday was fast Sunday, and fasting was wonderful. I felt like it meant a lot more being a missionary. We also had mission conference. President Burgees and the speakers talked about faith, and about trusting in the Lord. And they talked about families, and how much the gospel blesses families. It was really cool. They told us that our families, should be considered investigators, and that we should be giving you invitations as well. So of course I will do that :) Hopefully I can help you all strengthen your testimonies like mine is being strengthened. I have two invitations for you this week,
1. Take the attributes of Christ quiz from PMG (pg 126?) - this was something someone encouraged us to do. And I want you to pick two Christlike attributes (Faith, hope charity, knowledge, patience, etc) that you felt were a little low, and I want you to work on them. I know that as you do this, you will be more in tune with the Spirit, and that you will grow so much. You will also be more open to recognizing the blessings that are in your life. And you will be more positive and happy.
2. (more directed towards my family), Find someone to share my e-mails with. Hopefully you see them as uplifting rather than just me telling you about my week, but yea. OH and a little suggestion about sharing the gospel, speak truths. Speak simply and speak truths. When you say "God is our Father in Heaven, and we are His children", that's when the Spirit can testify. Those who you are talking to, will feel something. Because the Spirit testifies when we speak of truths. Even if they are as simple as "I am a child of God".
I know that as you take the time to really TRY to be better, and improve yourself, aspects of your life will improve. Aspects that you may not know needed improving. But things will change. If you look for them.
One last thing I learned this week is that I NEED to have effective study and planning to be a good missionary. So I wrote down all the goals I had, and planned out each minute of my study time so that I could make every minute count. I learned that this is the Lord's time. Not mine. Yes I can and will have fun, but this is the time that the Lord has set apart to change me. To help me become an effective missionary, and to be a missionary He can count on. To be who He wants me to be. I'm so grateful for this time at the MTC. I'm already about a third done....crazy... but so exciting!!!! I have to admit though, they feed me pretty well. I have desert twice a day :D Haha I'll gain weight here, then gain weight from Taiwan food. YUM.
Well that's all I got! I know that this church is true, and that this is God's restored gospel. I know that as we look for ways to improve, and ask for God's help in changing, we can and will change. We will become more productive, and more spiritually in tune. He will always help you, even if it may not be how you think. Something else I learned this week is that out of all the names for deity, He has asked us to call Him Father. He truly is our Father, and He loves us as His children. We are God's children. What an amazing truth.
I love you all so much!! Even if you aren't family I love you!!! And you are all amazing!!!
Sister Roberts
(Luo Jie Mei)
P.S. I sprained my ankle playing volleyball but I'm fine.
New Sisters (headed to Taichung)
Sister Roberts & Hughs
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