So this week was pretty good. Unfortunately nothing that exciting happened. Chinese is coming, but my goal this week is to be more focused so that I can get more done. I think I may say that every week but needs to happen.
I was waiting for my companion to have a check up and I was sitting in the office waiting. They play these gospel videos (Mormon messages, bible videos, etc) well the Restoration was playing and it was awesome because I got to start it from the beginning, and I was just so overcome with the Spirit. I really felt that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true. It was such a good experience. Later this week we watched the "Testimony of the Book of Mormon" Mormon message by Elder Holland. It's amazing. You should all watch it.
This Tuesday's devotional was Elder Richard Maynes from the presidency of the Seventy. He spoke on attitude and how we should never stop finding people. He also talked about how we have to have more faith than fear. We have district review after the devo and one of the counselor's in our branch presidency shared an awesome point that I learned a lot from. He said something along the lines of "God has never let you down. He never has, so of course He won't start now. He will always help!" I loved this because if you think about your life, and trials, you can always see His hand in your life. But God won't necessarily take away the burden, but if you ask Him for help, he will ALWAYS send comfort. I definitely believe that is true. And I'm grateful I learned it early on. Hopefully I remember that when things really get hard.
Something else I learned from Richard Mayne's talk and the review after was that the process of conversion truly is a miracle. I'm so excited to be a missionary because I get to see this process first hand, and even be a part of it. Conversion is awesome because it's an evident example of heaven's help, or heaven's hand in our lives (and other's lives). The power of a member of the Godhead (The Holy Ghost or Spirit) testifying and teaching of God and Jesus Christ. And I get to be a part of it. I'm so grateful! And so excited!!!
Something else I learned is that God has called me to do this work. He will NOT let me fail. I felt a little inadequate this week. Not that I couldn't do this work, or anything like that. But I was overwhelmed with everything that I wanted to get done. All the flashcards I want to memorize, and all the things I want to learn, I felt like I just couldn't teach a lesson with the Spirit, I just wasn't getting it all done, and it was frustrating. But one of the substitute teachers we had (our regular teacher was in Texas for an internship interview), told me that he will not let me fail. So as long as I'm focused and doing my best, I will be alright. I also had another sub teacher share a scripture and he said "I don't know why I felt I should share this, but I feel someone does" It was Mosiah 4:27, and it talks about not running faster than I have strength. I realized that's what I had been doing. The rest of the week was much better after those experiences. I'm so grateful for that.
Teaching has improved a lot. My teachers finally demonstrated teaching to us, so now I feel like I know how to do it. I've been teaching with a really basic lesson plan, and I feel so good. I'm so impressed with how much I've improved and I can actually teach a lesson in Chinese. Miracles happen here at the MTC let me tell ya! :)
So Wu Lao Shi (evening teacher from Taiwan) always does these cute little district bonding thing. This week she gave us a piece of printer paper and split it on half. We passed them around the room and wrote thank you notes on the bottom of the paper, and we drew one part of the person's face on the top. I'll show a picture. I look like an Asian Voldemort... it's always good to know what your district thinks of you and what they think you look like :D Hahaha it was so funny. They were all hilarious. The thank you notes were really nice though. She's a great teacher.
So this week Sister Hughes and I decided we were unwanted and lost (see the picture) :-) Haha not really but we definitely have fun here.
I get to host this week!!!! Hosting is when I greet the missionaries at the curb, and take them away from their family for 18 months. Yea it's pretty great......just kidding. But I am excited to be a host! I hope I can make them feel welcome and make the day not so depressing! I may get to host next week too! So maybe I'll get to host Abby!!!! Fingers crossed!
I've loved being a missionary so far. I learned this week that I feel it's really something I will be able to excel in. Throughout my life, I've done a lot of things, but I have never felt like I've excelled or been great at anything, and I don't want this to sound prideful or anything, but I just feel like I will be a good missionary. I have so many goals for myself and I'm striving to be the best I can. It's been a good confidence booster.
Well everyone, that's all I have for you. I love this church and I am so grateful for the happiness, peace, and joy the Book of Mormon, and this church have brought to me. God is real. I know that will all of my soul. Jesus Christ truly atoned for our sins, and we can turn to Him with anything. Any of our problems. Any of our heartaches, or weaknesses. I invite all of you to read the Book of Mormon. Read it for at least 30 minutes a day. You will be greatly blessed. I know that to be true.
I love you all! I appreciate the e-mails and the letters! Be happy! There's so much to be happy about!!
Sister Roberts
(Luo Jie Mei)
Lost & found!
Sister Roberts & Hughes at the Provo Temple
Evidence of a hard day's work ... how we study!
My practice investigator ... Sister Bottle
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