Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 7: Happy Late Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone!!!

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!!! I should have said that last week but I forgot :) Ooops. So my week was fantastic!!! It started off kinda bad though. I'll explain :)

I spent the first two days of the week sick. I had a fever, and I was super lightheaded. I also had a sore throat. But I had a sore throat for like a week. So a few days before I had a fever, and a few days after. My lungs were also super tight. I don't know what it was. But it was not fun. So I missed class Monday night and I also missed some class on Tuesday. Nothing really special happened on Tuesday. 

Because I'm a sister training leader, I was able to be a big part of the MTC service project that I hope all of you saw/heard about. We had a couple meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday because we were in charge of helping train our group to do the project. It was an assembly line, so we were in charge of teaching people what to do. Maybe I should explain what the service project was first. This company called "Feeding Children Everywhere" feeds children. Surprise there right? But they have created a healthy, cheap meal that feeds 6 people. What we did was we put together these meals. It was a lentil casserole, and had lentils, salt, rice, and dried vegetables. So at the beginning of the assembly line, the ingredients were measured and put into a bag. Then the next people weighed them, and adjusted accordingly. (The bags needed to be a certain weight). Then the next people sealed the bag, then the next boxed them. I was a leader so I set up, trained people, and supervised. It was so so fun! Our goal was to assemble 350,000 bags, and we ended up assembling 367,000! How cool!!! Anyway, that was Thursday.

Wednesday, Sister Hughes and I decided to match. It was fun haha, but we got so many compliments, and I didn't know whether I should be proud or embarrassed J. We counted how many times people commented and it was at least 20. Someone even asked to take a picture with us. Sister H. also had a check up with her surgeon. So we got to leave the MTC. It was exciting, but a little depressing at the same time because it wasn't very fun going back...knowing that I wasn't going to leave again until I went to Taiwan. I'm just really ready to go to Taiwan. So it was hard going back. Wednesday right before we went to lunch, the director of operations came into our room. Sister H and I were the only one's there because the other Sisters were at the doctors, and the Elders were somewhere else. He asked us to find our Elders and then call him back. We couldn't find them anywhere, so we decided to kneel and pray and as soon as we finished, they walked in. Anyway, the director came back and he explained to us that we had been recommended to be interviewed for the media that was going to be at the service project. He asked us if we wanted to, and we of course said yes. So we spent the next 20-30 min prepping. Figuring out what to say, what not to say, etc. It was so fun!!! And being interviewed was such an awesome experience. And doing the service project was such a great way to not focus on myself, and to really enjoy Thanksgiving.

(Insert from Dad ... here are the links to the articles if anyone wants to read them):
Here is the Provo Daily Herald article

Here is the Deseret News Article

KSL article and newscast of the event. 

On Thursday, the day started off with a devotional by Elder Oaks!!! How cool is that? It was even cooler because his family performed a bunch of musical numbers. And they are all amazingly talented. They were like children prodigies. Also, I think it was his daughter, but Jenny Oaks Baker, and her kids were the ones who performed. They were all amazing!!!! The whole day was just so amazing. I wasn't homesick at all and I was just so happy all day. I am so grateful to the MTC presidency who put so much work into making the day great! It went so smooth. Oh we also had Thanksgiving lunch, not dinner. But it was awesome because I had the impression that we wouldn't be having a Thanksgiving dinner at all, because of the service project. So when I walked in to the cafeteria and saw Turkey (real, not frozen like normal J), and stuffing, and fruit salad, and pie, I gotta say I was so so so happy!!!! I'm just so grateful, and I'm not even saying that because it was Thanksgiving! We had three devotionals on Thanksgiving, one from Elder Oaks, another by the Church Humanitarian guy, and then a talent show kind of devo at the end of the day. It was so so so great! The Spirit was so strong all day. Oh we also got to watch 17 miracles! Awesome :) 

A few funny little things this week…we played rock paper scissors in class and Wu Lao Shi has this different way of playing it! :) You start facing your opponent with your feet together. Every time you lose, you have to take a step to the side. So basically you lose when you are in a straddle and can't go down any further. It was so fun. I hope you can all imagine that :) It was pretty great. 

Elder Joly’s mom sent him a 3 ft Christmas tree and I can't tell you how much it has lifted our spirits! We decorated the tree on Sunday. We also named it Tingdrick. We were at first going to name it Ting because our favorite class song (In our lovely deseret), goes "Ting ting ting................” which means hear. But anyway, then Sister Hughes, my wonderful companion if you haven't gotten that by now, wanted to name the tree Fredrick, so we combined them. It's precious. He's the cutest little tree!!!! And Elder Joly's mom also sent him ornaments so we decorated it!  It's so so so cute!!!! Alright I'm done. I'm just grateful the tree isn't mine, cause then I don't have to worry about disposing of it, or moving it around haha. 

Saturday nights are always hard because we have class time in the morning and study time in the evening, so it's really hard to focus. We did pretty well though, or better than we normally do, except for the 30 min we spent laying on the floor and shooting rubber bands at the ceiling. It was great. 

Sunday was great. For our movie, we watched Elder Holland's MTC devotional called "Missions are Forever" and if you know him, you know how he speaks. So just imagine him saying "DON'T YOU DARE LET THESE 18 MONTHS OR 24 MONTHS GO TO WASTE! DON'T YOU DARE!" Etc. etc. He just spoke so powerfully!!! Good motivation. 

I'm itching to get out of the MTC. I saw some pictures of Taiwan, and it just reminded me so much of China. I just can't wait! Although the districts who were ahead of us have sent us e-mails and one Elder said "I think I learned the wrong language. No one understands me, and I don't understand anyone".... so I guess I'm not looking forward to that. 

Anyway, that's all I've got for ya! Over these 7 weeks, my testimony has grown so strong. I can officially say that my heart burns with testimony. My heart and whole spirit burn with testimony that this church is true. That God and Jesus Christ live. God has a plan for us, and has created so many ways for us to be happy. I know with every fiber of my being that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and I want to testify of Him until I can't anymore. He is always there for us, and He will never leave you comfortless. Trust in Him, trust in the Spirit, and turn to God in everything that you do. 

I love you all so much! See ya next week! I've got 2 weeks from today until I leave!!!! 2 weeks exactly!!! (I leave on Dec 14th, if you didn't get that). 

Sister Roberts
Luo Jie Mei

Btw Dad, people have told me I'm pretty loud for a small person! And I make sure to tell them your now famous quote, "What you lack in height, you make up in vocal strength" Gotta love it!!!

To answer your questions:
1.Yes I got over my sickness within a few days. 

2. Yes I still am playing piano everyday, and I'm also working on composing my own piece! Sister Hughes is so good though to let me play! I'm so grateful. Piano is my stress reliever, and it's the way I think! I'm so grateful for music. Languages need translating, but music doesn't. Something I learned from Elder Oaks.

3. No I'm not taking photos of my teachers. The red head actually was only a sub teacher. He's with another district now. I will when we all take a group picture.

4. No, I don't hear anything about my visa until I'm about to leave. Which is dumb, but I get my flight plans sometime this week!!!!!!!!!!!! Probably Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all and I have to say that I got a KICK out of "me sitting at the table". I loved loved loved that!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely hilarious!!!! :D :D :D

I'll send pictures!!!! Bye!!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week 6: Awesome Devotionals

Ni Hao mei yi ge ren!!!! (Hello every person)

This week was fine, nothing too eventful happened. I think the biggest thing that happened was that my testimony was really strengthened, and I'm so grateful. 

Tuesday was good with a great devotional by Kim B. Clark (of the seventy). He is my old BYU-I president, so it was cool to hear from him. He gave some great advice to be a successful missionary:

1. Be obedient 
2. Work hard at EVERYTHING. 
3. Have the Spirit
4. Love the people, even those who aren't easy to love. 

This is pretty straight forward advice, but it was really really helpful because of the way he put it. I love devotionals … I looooooove them.

Wednesday was great! 600 new missionaries came into the MTC! How cool! And best part about it was that I got to host Abby Toronto!!! It was such a tender mercy. There was such a small chance that I would get to host her. But I was just standing on the curb, and I went through 2 cycles of cars without getting a sister, and then suddenly right in front of me, I see Mari's face and then Sister Toronto's face in the front of their car!!!! So so awesome!!! I don't think she realized how exciting this was for me. She told me (this may have changed by now) that she is doing a week or two of English training, then 2 weeks of Chinese. So I don't know if she will do Chinese elsewhere, or if she will join our class. Because after next week we have about 2 weeks left. We will see. 

I was also playing an investigator this week for an MTC training. We went and played an example district for new MTC teachers. We did this before, but I don't know if I explained it really well. We basically are taught a lesson (like we were in class), but it's a different teacher than our normal one, and there are a bunch of teachers in the background. The teacher demonstrated teaching and I was the "investigator". It was a really good experience. I learned that the best, most influential thing I can do is to testify. And in Moses 6:31-34, it talks about how our words will be made just before them. Which meant our words will be made just right for them, that God and the Holy Ghost will influence my words so that they will pierce the hearts of those I'm teaching, assuming I'm bearing my testimony with all the conviction of my heart. It's been amazing because the Spirit testified to me that I truly am God's missionary. That I really am doing HIS work, and I have just felt this amazing power. I guess I can call it "missionary power". I love it. 

Also, when I was hosting, I met the Hale's cousin!!!! Like the Hale's from Beijing, China!!!! His name is Brigham Mckay!  It was awesome!!!!! We were standing at the curb waiting, and we started talking and found out that we both knew the Hales! How cool is that???? It made my day! I've seen Eric Wurtzbacher a bunch, it's awesome. Excuse me, I meant Elder Wurtzbacher ;).

So Sister Erickson's mom bought Sister Hughes and me hello kitty pens. Sister Erickson already has one and it projects hello kitty on the end!!! I didn't explain that very well but it's awesome and a fun memory. She was playing with it one night, and Sister Skinner says, "You should shine that in class and say "I MUST GO, MY PEOPLE ARE CALLING!" Then run out of the room!" We thought it was hilarious!!! The hello kitty pen will be our mascot ;) Haha. I don't think I've mentioned this but Sister Erickson is obsessed with Hello Kitty. She's not really obsessed, it's more of a joke, but I gotta say she gets pretty excited when she gets anything hello kitty. Her mom tapes her packages with hello kitty tape, she got 300+ hello kitty stickers, and she has a hello kitty toothbrush! It's hilarious! It's because when she got called to Taiwan, she heard that hello kitty was big, so everyone started giving her hello kitty stuff. It's so fun! We all put hello kitty stickers on the back of our nametags (pretty great, even the elders did :D).

We had a new district come into our zone with 4 Sisters and 2 Elders. It's awesome! Our zone has more Sisters than Elders. I love being a Sister Training Leader because I get to interview all the sisters and get to know them all. It's so fun being helpful :) 

That's pretty much all I've got. I'm also sick. I have a fever.... and really light headed and I've had a sore throat today and for the past few days. I'm ok though. My Chinese has been coming along well; it's really cool because I haven’t felt too overwhelmed with the language. I have felt like I can do it. That might change once I get to Taiwan but it's not that way so far. I think it's because I have confidence and trust in God that I can do this. He called me to speak Chinese. He won't let me fail. 

See if you can look up MTC devotionals. Apparently you can get to them on Kinda cool. If you watch the one with Elder Anderson, you'll see me singing in the choir. So cool :) Actually sorry, I think the only ones that are online are the ones that were broadcast to other MTC's. 

You should watch the Mormon message "Good Things to Come" by Elder Holland. It's awesome.

We watched "Recognizing the Spirit" by Elder Bednar for Sunday's film, and it was awesome because he said that people always ask him, "How do I know if a thought is my own, or from the Holy Ghost?" And what Elder Bednar said was "Stop worrying about it! If you get up and move and be a good girl or good boy, you will be prompted by the Spirit. Don't worry about knowing something is from the Spirit before you act. MOVE" It was great. I love the apostles outside of General Conference. They truly are just people, but they are awesome!

This week Sister Hughes finally was able to walk and match my pace ;) Haha just kidding. But she's doing awesome. And she's such a good example!!! I really admire her!!!! She has a checkup with her surgeon this week, so we get to leave the MTC again, and we get, I mean “have” to miss class :) Class is getting longer and harder, just because it's so hard sitting down for so long. I didn't have a problem before, but my back has been hurting me. I sit too long... also I am getting really sick of the MTC food. I gotta say, the smell when you walk into the cafeteria...bu hao. (Not good). 

Sorry that this e-mail was so spastic. I have a lot of thoughts. This week I encourage you all to focus on feeling and having the Spirit with you. Also work on recognizing the Spirit. Elder Bednar said that it's ok if we don't realize that we have a spiritual prompting. As long as we act on it, and are keeping our covenants/the commandments, we will be blessed and have the gift of the Holy Ghost. How amazing :) 

I love you all. I can only write letters on Monday, which is something I didn't know. But that's happened a lot. I'm "breaking rules" that I didn't know existed. That's the only negative thing I have to say about the MTC. I love and miss you all!!!!!!!! I know this church is true. Read the Book of Mormon, it will change your life!!!! :) 

One more thing, we (Sister H and I) were making cup of noodles and I decided that I would try to hold my handstand for 30 seconds. SO I did, and some sisters that were hanging out in the lobby started cheering me on and counting down and everything. It was awesome!!! So fun :) SIster E and I also chased each other around the hall because I "sneezed" on her face. (My hands were wet, and I pretended to sneeze). So she chased me. I hid and got away. We have so much fun together. We mess with each other a lot. Alright that's all I got!!!! I love you! Talk to you next week!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sister Roberts

(Luo Jie Mei)

Love the temple!

Hello Kitty pens


Sister Hughes creeping me out

Sister Roberts & Erickson

Sister Hughes & her balancing act

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week 5: Minus one appendix

Hey everyone!!!!!

So wow this has been a crazy week!!!!! After I emailed you all, that night  my companion woke me up at 2:30 in the A.M. saying that she had a sharp pain in her stomach and that she needed to go to the front desk. At first she thought it might have been nausea or stress like she'd experienced before, but it wasn't going away and it was getting worse. So we went to the front desk (where there is someone 24/7 in case we need someone. So grateful) and they called the
doctor. He told us that she needed to be checked out and that the only clinic open was the E.R. So off we went. After an ultrasound, blood being drawn (IV), and a CT scan, we found her appendix was enlarged, and that they were going to take it out. Let me just tell you that Sister Hughes HATES needles. So when she was told she had to have an IV put in, she had a mini panic attack. We spoke Chinese and I think that helped distract her a little bit, but it was funny cause the nurse (jokingly) told her to suck it up. She's such a good sport about everything. Never once have I seen her discouraged about anything that she's been going through. She's just such an awesome example. (she gave me permission to share all of this)

Anyway, she was fine after the IV. Like with all the other tests. I went back to the MTC (so I could get changed and eat, because by this time it's like 7:30 or 8:00 am) and I came back with the sister training leader and her companion (Sister Erickson and Sister Skinner, who are also in our room and district). We called the branch presidency and Brother Avarett, the first counselor, dropped everything he was doing and went and gave her a blessing. (Wait, side note, I should make sure that you know that I received permission to leave my companion at the hospital.) Anyway, all three of us sisters went back to the hospital and hung out with Sister Hughes for a little longer before she went into surgery. Around 10:30 am she was rolled in her bed into surgery. The other sisters and I went and waited. 

We met this wonderful family who's husband/son (depending on who you were talking to) was in surgery at the same time. He had accidentally shot his foot while hunting.
he mom of this man insisted that she take us to lunch. So we went, and she talked to us about all the miracles that had happened (with her son), and how she had received a blessing saying that he would be ok. It was such a good experience to see her faith. To see that in a time of such despair (he almost died), that her faith was still strong. I know that the Lord blessed us with this experience.

It was awesome, because being in a Utah hospital, as missionaries, we basically were celebrities. There wasn't 5-10 min that we weren't talking to someone. I mean I wish I could say we were the ones who initiated the conversation, because you know missionaries are supposed to do that. But I guess we are a little awkward when it comes to the English thing.... haha just kidding. But in reality everyone came up and talked to us. It was a pretty exciting day.

Around 12, Sister Hughes came out of surgery. And I just gotta say I love anesthesia. She was absolutely hilarious! I got about 45 min of her talking. Like you know those funny videos you can look up on YouTube of people coming out after their wisdom teeth surgery? Or any video after surgery really. I hope you know what I'm talking about. ANYWAY, she was hilarious. I can't describe it to you, just know that she was the best. And it made my whole life. Ok maybe not my life, but it was a pretty good highlight of my day/week. It was awesome though because even though she was completely out of it, she really showed where her heart is. She would point to the TV (that was off) and say "You can't watch that." Then she pointed to herself and said "I'm obedient". She had these ice pieces that the nurses gave her (so her mouth wouldn't be so dry), and they looked like little cigars. She said "This is like a cigar. Don't smoke!" She also made the nurse pinkie promise her that she wouldn't drink. Haha. She also looked at the clock and says "We are going to be late for class! We have to go teach! He's depending on us!" I tried to explain to her that she just had an organ out but she says "We need to take this bed and go!" She also sang Hakuna Matata!!!! Oh my goodness I know this probably isn't funny in writing, but I laugh just thinking about it! Haha sorry!

Because she caught her appendicitis so early, she had a really short recovery. She didn't even have to stay in the hospital. Well she stayed for another 4 hours after the surgery but that was just to make sure she was ok and to make sure the anesthesia wore off. So we got back to the MTC around 4:00 or 4:30. The rest of the week was hard. Just because we were so exhausted. We spent a lot of time in the room, but I felt so guilty taking a nap because I was like "I'm not the one who needs to recover. I should be studying" But I really wasn't effective because I was so exhausted. It was hard. I feel like I lost a whole week because I wasn't really there mentally. Like honestly I don't remember much of the week besides that. Being tired, I also became frustrated really easy. Not at people, but at myself. I also was really overwhelmed because I realized there was so much I need to improve and work on. But I have no idea where to start, and what to do to improve. So that's been my main frustration, but also I felt I haven't progressed much in Chinese because of everything that was going on. 

Even though I feel I didn't really progress in the ways I wanted to, I know my testimony was strengthened of serving others, and focusing on others. I loved being able to help and serve Sister Hughes. I love knowing I'm needed and love knowing that I am being useful/helpful. My testimony grew in faith, and in service. So for that, I am grateful. This week will be much better though!!! 

On Wednesday I got to host! Sister Hughes stayed in sick bay (up in the clinic here at the MTC, so that I could continue with the schedule). But it was so fun! It didn't last very long but it was awesome! I loved being able to help others! I also get to host this next Wednesday! So I'll be hosting when Abby and Chase come. Chances are very slim that I will host them (there are 600 missionaries coming in this week). But yea! Oh I also was called to be one of the sister training leaders. Meaning I'm in charge of welcoming the new sisters, and in charge of relief society etc. It's interesting because there are 3 of us. Usually there's only 2, but at the last minute President Newell (the branch president who used to be an ambassador for Sweden and he worked in the white house. Side note. He's amazing) felt like there needed to be three. So we will see. I'm excited. I found out that someone from Beijing (that I met when I was
​ there​
 in April) is going to be in my zone, so that's cool. Soren Hendrickson? I don't know how to spell it. And Abby and Chase are going to be in the same district and they are going to be in the other zone :( But Abby will be in the same hall as me. Like next door actually. Hopefully she's excited! I haven't even talked to her at all! 

One of the Elder's in our district is having health problems too. Our district is apparently the sick district haha. Not really but it brings us closer together, because we really have to support each other. 

This week's Sunday devotional was awesome. We had a women's/sisters conference and it was great. It really made me think. One of the speakers shared a story about her granddaughter. Basically (long story short), her 18 month old granddaughter had too much stuff in her hands, and she couldn't pick up the doll that she wanted. The speaker related this to our lives. She said "What's the stuff that is preventing you from progressing?" That's my challenge for you this week. Find something that is keeping you from progressing. Ask God to help you know what it is. But find the "stuff" that is holding you back, and work to get rid of it. I will be doing that this week! So do it with me! :D 

I love you all so so much! I am so grateful to be a missionary. During the Sunday evening films (we get to watch a movie or talk every Sunday evening after devo), I watched The Testaments. It was amazing because the Spirit testified to me so strongly that this church is true. That Jesus Christ really came to the America's and that the Book of Mormon
​ testifies that He​
 lives. I share with you my personal testimony/conviction that the Savior lives. He lives and he will come again. He loves each one of you, and knows you personally. I know that is said over and over again but it's true. He knows you, He knows your heart, and he care. He wants to help you. He pleads for you to let Him in and to let Him help you. I know that if you turn to Him, in anything that you do, that you will find comfort. Turn to Him in everything you do, big or small. You will find help. I hope all of this made sense!!!!! I love you all again!!!

Talk to you soon!!!
Sister Roberts
(羅姐妹-Luo Jie Mei)

First snow at the MTC

Celebrating our halfway mark in the MTC with mom's care package

Sister Hughes is so funny!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week 4: Lost & Found!!!

Hey Ya'll!!!!

So this week was pretty good. Unfortunately nothing that exciting happened. Chinese is coming, but my goal this week is to be more focused so that I can get more done. I think I may say that every week but needs to happen. 

​I was waiting for my companion to have a check up and I was sitting in the office waiting. They play these gospel videos (Mormon messages, bible videos, etc) well the Restoration was playing and it was awesome because I got to start it from the beginning, and I was just so overcome with the Spirit. I really felt that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true. It was such a good experience. Later this week we watched the "Testimony of the Book of Mormon" Mormon message by Elder Holland. It's amazing. You should all watch it. 

This Tuesday's devotional was Elder Richard Maynes from the presidency of the Seventy. He spoke on attitude and how we should never stop finding people. He also talked about how we have to have more faith than fear. We have district review after the devo and one of the counselor's in our branch presidency shared an awesome point that I learned a lot from. He said something along the lines of "God has never let you down. He never has, so of course He won't start now. He will always help!" I loved this because if you think about your life, and trials, you can always see His hand in your life. But God won't necessarily take away the burden, but if you ask Him for help, he will ALWAYS send comfort. I definitely believe that is true. And I'm grateful I learned it early on. Hopefully I remember that when things really get hard. 

Something else I learned from Richard Mayne's talk and the review after was that the process of conversion truly is a miracle. I'm so excited to be a missionary because I get to see this process first hand, and even be a part of it. Conversion is awesome because it's an evident example of heaven's help, or heaven's hand in our lives (and other's lives). The power of a member of the Godhead (The Holy Ghost or Spirit) testifying and teaching of God and Jesus Christ. And I get to be a part of it. I'm so grateful! And so excited!!!

Something else I learned is that God has called me to do this work. He will NOT let me fail. I felt a little inadequate this week. Not that I couldn't do this work, or anything like that. But I was overwhelmed with everything that I wanted to get done. All the flashcards I want to memorize, and all the things I want to learn, I felt like I just couldn't teach a lesson with the Spirit, I just wasn't getting it all done, and it was frustrating. But one of the substitute teachers we had (our regular teacher was in Texas for an internship interview), told me that he will not let me fail. So as long as I'm focused and doing my best, I will be alright. I also had another sub teacher share a scripture and he said "I don't know why I felt I should share this, but I feel someone does" It was Mosiah 4:27, and it talks about not running faster than I have strength. I realized that's what I had been doing. The rest of the week was much better after those experiences. I'm so grateful for that. 

Teaching has improved a lot. My teachers finally demonstrated teaching to us, so now I feel like I know how to do it. I've been teaching with a really basic lesson plan, and I feel so good. I'm so impressed with how much I've improved and I can actually teach a lesson in Chinese. Miracles happen here at the MTC let me tell ya! :) 

So Wu Lao Shi (evening teacher from Taiwan) always does these cute little district bonding thing. This week she gave us a piece of printer paper and split it on half. We passed them around the room and wrote thank you notes on the bottom of the paper, and we drew one part of the person's face on the top. I'll show a picture. I look like an Asian Voldemort... it's always good to know what your district thinks of you and what they think you look like :D Hahaha it was so funny. They were all hilarious. The thank you notes were really nice though. She's a great teacher. 

So this week Sister Hughes and I decided we were unwanted and lost (see the picture) ​:-) Haha not really but we definitely have fun here. 

I get to host this week!!!! Hosting is when I greet the missionaries at the curb, and take them away from their family for 18 months. Yea it's pretty great......just kidding. But I am excited to be a host! I hope I can make them feel welcome and make the day not so depressing! I may get to host next week too! So maybe I'll get to host Abby!!!!  Fingers crossed!

I've loved being a missionary so far. I learned this week that I feel it's really something I will be able to excel in. Throughout my life, I've done a lot of things, but I have never felt like I've excelled or been great at anything, and I don't want this to sound prideful or anything, but I just feel like I will be a good missionary. I have so many goals for myself and I'm striving to be the best I can. It's been a good confidence booster. 

Well everyone, that's all I have for you. I love this church and I am so grateful for the happiness, peace, and joy the Book of Mormon, and this church have brought to me. God is real. I know that will all of my soul. Jesus Christ truly atoned for our sins, and we can turn to Him with anything. Any of our problems. Any of our heartaches, or weaknesses. I invite all of you to read the Book of Mormon. Read it for at least 30 minutes a day. You will be greatly blessed. I know that to be true.

I love you all! I appreciate the e-mails and the letters! Be happy! There's so much to be happy about!!


Sister Roberts
(Luo Jie Mei)

Lost & found!

Sister Roberts & Hughes at the Provo Temple

Evidence of a hard day's work ... how we study!

My practice investigator ...  Sister Bottle

Sister Hughes memorizing the First Vision

At the temple with Sister Hughes.

I literally fit in my laundry bag it's so big!

Sister Hughes on a mission ... she was running down the hall with two vacuums (in case one didn't work) saying "beep, beep!"  She wasn't stopping for anyone. I love her!!