This week was pretty good! We had zone meeting on Wednesday which was good. Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal. We met a cool lady who teaches Tai Qi and I thought of you Dad and how you were always "obsessed" with the Tai Qi people. Haha she asked us to come, but it was only on Saturday and Sunday. Xing Ku. We also had a drunk man pay for our dinner because we were cute Americans. Haha gotta love it.
Thursday Sister B and I had a "romantic dinner" at this beautiful lantern park. We got our favorite quesadillas from a food truck! They are the best quesadillas that I've ever had. Ever. haha so yummy. I think it's because of the sauce. They have this pineapple mustard type sauce and it's heavenly. I'm like drooling thinking about it. Haha not really but it's delicious. After dinner, we went and visited Wen XJ. (Her daughter is Gabby, and they've come to English). But we went and this was a determining lesson. She kept canceling on us, so we needed to decide whether to drop her. We visited her, and she said she was interested but just too busy and that once a week was too often because she was so busy. She said once a month would be good. But obviously, we couldn't do that. So we "broke up with her". I know she'll have the opportunity later in life. It's so sad though. I love them so much and wanted them to badly to see how happy they could be. But they still pray together (her and her daughter) so we know seeds are planted.
Friday We met an awesome lady. Well sorry, we had a lesson with this awesome lady and yea. We met her earlier in the week through her daughter. I started talking to her 8 year old daughter on the street, and gave her an English tract. We asked if her mom was home, and she said yes, so we walked with her to her house and met her mom. Who then set up with us, and yea. We taught the first lesson on Friday and it went well. she committed to learn more and to pray and read the Book of Mormon. She's super cute. But her whole life is Bin Lang (this drug that everyone here chews). Like she chews but also sells it. So that might be a problem but we'll see. She's super cool, and hopefully things work out. She said she would come to church but ended up not coming, and we haven't been able to get in touch with her yet. But it's only been a day so yea.
We also met with an RC that has been out of town for months. Her name is Suzeth and she's from the Philippines. She's amazing and her testimony strengthened me so much. Well and it's such a miracle and tender mercy that she's back in Tai Dong because we have a Filipino investigator who speaks no Chinese and hardly any English. So Saturday we had a lesson with Juliet (the investigator) and Suzeth came with us and helped us translate. It was awesome. Juliet is so prepared and we are excited to see where it goes!
Sunday, we met two awesome new investigators. One is Xie XJ and the other is Cai XJ. I think Xie XJ has really good potential. She has Christian background and has a lot of questions so yay! She also speaks good English.
I really felt the gift of tongues this week. I just finished lesson #5 for phase one, so now I only have to do the 1-5 eval. But I'm ok that I didn't finish that before transfers because I really felt I did the most I could. So finishing all the material in phase 1 is fantastic! I really felt God's help with memorizing. And just in speaking, and everything this week. I really feel like I'm getting the hang of it. Which might sound crazy but I love Chinese and it's amazing that I'm speaking as much as I am. It's a miracle.
This week I was reading a talk in the Liahona called Catch the Wave by Elder Anderson. I invite you all to read it. It's awesome. It helped me to be more excited to be a missionary. It talks though about members and how critical they are to missionary work. I know I've talked about that before, but this week I want to invite you all to be prepared to answer questions about the way you live. When someone asks you "why don't you drink coffee?" you will know how to answer. If you do FHE, practice with your families. Roleplay it. Roleplays are awkward at first, and weird, but I promise you they help.
I love you all so much. I'm so grateful that God has blessed us with people to teach. I know that He lives, and I know that He loves every single one of you. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, and I know with all of my heart that through Him, we can receive eternal life. I know that our families will be blessed and you will feel a peace like you have never felt as you follow God's commandments and do everything you can to grow closer to Him.
Have a great week! We are starting off the week by going to Taimali. Look it up on the map :) Beautiful!!! Oh also, just because it's transfers doesn't mean I'll be transferred. Sister B or I could go. But chances are very high I will get a new companion. So so scary what if I don't get along with them??? Yikes here I go! Haha ;)
Sister Roberts
P.S. Oh my goodness I forgot to say!!!!! Yang JM and her daughter got baptized!!!!!!!!!!!! She was the one that we found a few minutes before the Christmas activity!!!!!! When they bore their testimonies, they gave us a shout out and said thanks to us for meeting them! Ahhhhh!!!!!!
Yummy frozen treats |
Some wonderful Ward members |
Exercising on the mountain |
Yang JM and her daughter's baptism |
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