So we kind of had surprise exchanges this week. Which sort of threw everything off. But exchanges were so so so good. They are always what I need right when I need it. Sister Lafevre is in Hua Lian and is my STL!!!! I don't know if you remember her, but she was Sister Child's companion when I first got here. Poor thing though, she's been moved around so so much! Anyway, I know that she was so inspired with what she said, and I'm so grateful to be around such amazing missionaries who are so in tune with the Spirit.
This week, I don't know that I have anything super exciting to "report". Our main investigators are all still where they were before. We have a precious Phillippino woman, Juliet who is so prepared but can't come to church because her Ama's daughter won't let her? It's tough because she doesn't speak much English and no Chinese. It's a work in progress. But she's great and our pei ke is great, and helps us to translate and it all works out so well.
We have another, Xie XJ who is really prepared too. She has so many great questions, and is awesome. She's afraid of church though because she had a bad experience at church before. Like with fitting in. But without me even asking her, she goes, "That will be another issue I put into my prayer" So precious! She is so so sweet! I need to take a picture with her so you can see!
Chen XJ (The one we met on the bike path a few weeks ago) said she just doesn't have time and that she won't be able to come to church for a while. But we aren't giving up on her, and I know she needs this gospel. I also know it's her choice to accept it. But we are meeting with her tomorrow, so it'll all be good. I know it :)
On Wednesday, I was having a hard day. I was just in a bad mood, and wasn't being patient with myself or anyone else. But at English class, there was a baptism and the Elder's investigator was baptized. It was such a spiritual experience for me! I was sitting there listening to the stake president talk about how amazing missionaries are, and I just felt the Spirit tell me that this is why I am here. Not for myself, not for the numbers, not for the food, or the experience of being in Taiwan. I'm here to bring others unto Christ through baptism. I'm here to help them know for themselves that they are beloved children of God, and to help them know for themselves that this church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints it Christ's restored church on the Earth. As I was studying this morning, I read a scripture in Helaman 5 where it talks about the precious gift of eternal life, and recently I've been struggling to focus again. Just thinking of "normal" life. Phone, music, walking on campus, driving a car, having freedom to do what I want, to play guitar, piano whenever I want, etc... and it's hard because I want so badly to just give my all. To just give everything I have. But I read this scripture and was thinking about giving my all, and just though about how this mission, about how what I'm doing has eternal consequences. That this isn't about me at all. I also learned that at exchanges. I need to focus on others and not myself. Give myself to others and then I will be able to focus. But I'm here for them. Everything I'm doing has an eternal consequence, whether that's helping someone accept baptism or meeting with someone and simply testifying that they are loved by God. And this also is affecting my eternal self. And my future family. Sorry i'm just ranting and I'm pretty sure none of this makes sense. I'm so grateful.
So to continue with Wednesday, I was having this great spiritual experience and it was interrupted by something and we had to leave, so I was kinda irritated again. But I walk out of the chapel and who do I see? I see Wen JM and Gabby!!! (former investigators and who I absolutely love) I get super excited and Gabby turns around and I can't tell you how much her little face lit up! She opens her arms really wide with the biggest smile on her face and runs over to me and hugs me!! It was such a tender mercy from the Lord. They are going to come to English next week which is so so awesome! But seriously, that moment was like a little hug from God, giving me a little encouragement and it was like Him just saying "I love you".
On Monday Chen JM and her nephew set baptismal dates which is so so awesome! And I can't wait to meet with them again! They are so prepared!!!
On Friday, we were in du jing ban and Sister Hadley says there is something weird happening with her eye, so we step out and call "headquarters" and they tell her to go get it checked out. So at 8:00 at night we go to the hospital only to be redirected to an eye doctor, which was then closed. So we "wasted" the night running around the city which was kind of a bummer. But the eye thing went away over night and she's good now. We got it checked today and yea it's all good. But an interesting experience.
Sorry there's not too much this week, and that's it's totally all over the place. I'll be more organized next week.
Happy Easter and I love that the literal Chinese translation is "resurrection holiday". It just reminds us of the true meaning of Easter. I hope all of you remember the amazing miracle of Christ's resurrection. He atoned for our sins, died on the cross and after three days was resurrected. He overcame death and because He did so, we will too. No matter who we are, we will all be resurrected to perfect immortal bodies. Christ knows every single thing in your life. He knows every heart ache, every joy, every insecurity. He loves you and wants to help you. I also studied this morning how we need to make Christ our foundation. (Helaman 5:12). If Christ is the foundation of your life, everything will be ok. The rain and storms will still come, but if you are founded in Christ, you can trust 100% that you can lean on Him.
I love you all. Have a great week!
Love you!!!
Sister Roberts
Wen JM & Gabby |
Sister Hadley & I at Lantern park |
Sister Hadley cleaning the laundry balcony |
Lantern Park |
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