Hello! 大家好!!!
"Hello everyone".
Well this week was pretty short. There's not much to say. We saw a really cool miracle since Wednesday. We were finding and we just had this incredible feeling about the area. Like I've never felt the Spirit so strong about an area to find. Well we were finding and shi jian dao le. The end of our time in that area came and we hadn't found anyone. We had planned to go visit this LA and we prayed to know if we should stay or go. We felt we should go. So we went and the LA wasn't home, she was on a business trip. We were kinda bummed but decided that before our lesson we would find. But we get a call and our lesson cancels. At this point we are a little discouraged. Not discouraged just a little disheartened. But we prayed and asked if we should stay in this area to find. I had the thought to go to an MRT station. So we did. Well we ran into a former investigator named Melodie. I've never actually met her before Friday. But she was on a Giant bike that looked just like a missionaries giant aka mine. And I was like "Wait I remember Sister Kitchens gave her bike to someone" Then I saw in her bike basket, Sister Kitchen's helmet, and made the connection that this must be Melodie. She's from the Phillippines and one of the most prepared people I've met. We haven't been in touch with her which is why she was a former investigator. Well we ran into her and she said that she told her family about the church and that her niece and nephew (maybe others) were baptized two weeks ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they always ask her if she (Melodie) is going to church or not. She says no because of her work. And they are like "We will pray for you". Well Melodie has also been sick. She said that the morning we met her she had surgery and she said that she prayed beforehand and said "Heavenly Father, you know my heart and you know my desires. I want to go to church but right now it just isn't possible. If this is what you want me to do, please let me know. Please let me run into Sister Wang tonight." Well Sister Wang already left and is in Taoyuan, but she ran into us instead at the MRT station, and it was such a miracle. I was really gan dong (moved) by her telling me this because I know God is watching our for her. I was also very touched that God put us in the right place at the right time, and even though it seemed like nothing was going right that night, that God knew what He was doing, and led us to Melodie. I was also really grateful because I had been feeling that we weren't having success because we didn't deserve it. But this experience really helped me to understand that God will lead us to His children as long as we are doing out best.
Sad story though, she fang'd us on Sunday night but that's ok... hopefully she will answer our calls. And if she doesn't answer now, it's just because her work situation. She will get baptized it's just a matter of when. But I'm just so grateful for this experience.
I've been thinking a lot about how I only have 6 months left and thinking about my mission. I feel like I've had a pretty pu tong (normal) mission. I haven't had too many miraculous experiences like you hear some other people have. But I had the thought this morning while I was praying that maybe it's just because I don't need it. Sister Miller and I were talking before bed and we were talking about how the most important convert on our missions is ourselves. The mission is also about us and changing us and making us into who God wants us to be. But the funny thing is is that we only change if we focus on ourselves and give ourselves to God and this work. Because only through our selflessness and only through doing this work, will God help us have the necessary experiences that will allow us to be the disciples he wants us to be. I'm just so grateful for my mission and for everything that has happened or hasn't happened. When i had the thought about "Maybe I don't need it" I was just thinking that maybe I don't need those kind of experiences to be converted to God. All I need is the opportunity to show my faith. Which I've had plenty of those. Again, I hope that made sense.
I think that's pretty much it. We don't really have any progressing investigators. We've seen a lot of miracles but they all seem to fall through...and we don't know why. Just no one that we are finding is sticking... but we've made goals to just use our time more effectively and be more obedient. We always have room to improve.
I know this church is true. I have never been more at peace and had more joy in my whole entire life. I have never felt closer to Him and I know I am doing His work. I know that He is aware of every single person. And that He has created the perfect plan for us. Our purpose on this life is to prepare to meet God. And the only way we can meet God is through Christ. We are all fan ren (mortal) we all sin and make mistakes, and we know that no unclean thing can live with God because He's perfect. Well we personally can't just make our sins or that guilt go away. Which is why we need Christ. He came to Earth and He paid the price for our sins. He took upon Himself our sins, pains, sickness, sorrows, etc. He's met every single persons's life, and He knows how to help everyone. No matter how hard it may seem, I know that He can help us. If we pray and read the BOM, and go to church. And do what God has asked us to do, we can receive a remission of our sins, we can have Heavenly help in our daily lives. I know that as we live a life that is line with God's will, we can have eternal families. Our families will not end at the end of this life. We will be together forever, and we will live with God again. I'm so grateful for this plan and I can't express how much it means to me. I know this church is true. It's complete and it's perfect because it's God's church. It's also the same exact church that Jesus Christ established when He was on the Earth. And because of Joseph Smith, we have Christ's church in it's fulness. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this opportunity I have to serve the Lord and to share the joy and peace of the gospel. I love you all and I hope you all have a great week.
Until next time!
Sister Roberts
Sister Luo
Yummy drinks.
I'm drinking a chocolate drink with pudding in it. My favorite!
Wonderful friends from Yilan! |
Wonderful friends from Yilan |
Facial masks ... I finally got to be a fox |
Beautiful Effie! |
Sister Trouble's daughter Cindy |
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