Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 8: End of the Beginning

Hey everyone!

So I've decided that I need to put my companion in a bubble. Or do something to protect her from ever doing anything again. She broke her thumb playing volleyball. Well technically she fractured it. Or jammed it so bad that there is a slight fracture … the point is that she is a problem child J. But seriously, there has never been a dull moment with Sister Hughes. 

This week was great! Although I have to say I'm really getting nervous to go to Taiwan. You'd think I would be itching to get out of here, and I was last week, but this week, with getting my Chinese name tag, and flight plans, I realized how easy I've had it here at the MTC, and I realized how much harder everything is going to get. BUT, I am surprisingly so excited and I'm excited for the challenge, which is something I never thought I would say. The only thing I'm really nervous about is the language. I feel like I have hit a plateau and it's not a fun feeling. I just feel like I never got into a swing of memorizing flashcards, and things like that. I'll be ok though haha. 

I finished a whole journal while I was here! All the devotionals were so good and I just have so much to write about. I've always loved writing in my journal though. 

So I had a really cool experience. It was Tuesday night and we were in devotional review (where we are with a member of our branch presidency, and we review the devotional as a district), and we were just finishing up, and I was a little full of emotion. The devotional made me realize that I wasn't sure how to put my whole heart and soul into my mission. I want so badly to make my Heavenly Father proud, and also my family, and so I was worrying a little about it. As we were finishing, I had the very distinct impression that I needed to ask for a blessing from my branch president. I was like "ok", but then I had the impression again. "Ask for a blessing tonight" I was like "ok I will" again. (This is all in my head btw). We said the closing prayer and I had the impression again "Ask for a blessing from President Newell". And again, I said "Ok, I will". SO I asked President Newell for a blessing, and it was amazing. For a few reasons, I have never had the Spirit talk to me so distinctly, and two, I didn't realize that I needed to hear what the blessing said. But it of course was exactly what I needed. It was such a testimony builder of the priesthood, and I "cried" a little because of how much love I felt for and from God and my Savior. I know that they know us personally. And I know that if you ask to know, and ask to feel God's love, that they will give you that witness. You will feel a burning in your heart and peace in your soul. That's one of the Holy Ghost's favorite things to do, is testify that God loves you. 

Sister Hughes and I had a really good lesson this week. Our "investigator" played a scenario where he lost his grandpa. The following lesson that we gave (after we found out about his grandpa), was the amazing lesson. We asked him to pray in the lesson to know if God was there, and the spirit was so strong. It was really awesome because even though this was our teacher and it wasn't a real investigator, the Spirit was still there, and the Spirit testified to me that this gospel is true, and that I am truly doing God's work. It was so so so great. 

I also learned this week a powerful lesson about reading the Book of Mormon. Every time I've read the Book of Mormon in a lesson, I felt like I was reading a book about what we believed. But I learned more fully that we aren't just reading a book, we are reading God's word. It's something I've always known, but it was a very powerful moment for me. We did the MTC training thing again, (where we are an example district), and it was amazing because the teacher helped us to feel the power of the Book of Mormon. Basically she told us a little bit about herself, and then she said, "How do I feel the power of the Book of Mormon? Everyone always says it is so personal to them, but how do I feel that?" And she "picked" on Elder Ramanlal and put him on the spot and said, "help me". We ended up reading Moroni 7, just starting at the beginning, and the Book of Mormon truly spoke to her. It was amazing. I know that didn't describe it very well, but the Spirit was so strong, and I realized that it is so important to have our investigators experience the power of the Book of Mormon for themselves, and not just when they are reading it by themselves, but in the lesson. Clearly I learned a lot this week. 

I also learned a lot from Sister Hughes this week: She loves to freak people out. And she has really good scary faces. Quote from her "I like to freak people out, it establishes power". She's a weirdo, but that's why we get along. We truly were a match made in heaven. 

This week, I'm working on having more personal prayers, and truly talking with God. I invite all of you to pray sincerely. It doesn't matter if you need to get to bed, or don't have a lot of time. Talk to God, tell Him how you feel. Express gratitude, report your day, tell Him about your day tomorrow, pray for others by name, pray to overcome temptation, and to have humility and charity. God has given us a way for you to communicate with Him. The creator of this world, this universe, our souls, has allowed us to talk to Him. Isn't that amazing? The least we could do is take a good 5,10,15 minutes to TALK with our Father in Heaven. He wants to help you, and He wants you to be happy. But the only way He can do that is to turn to Him. If you have PMG, go to pg 93-95, or the section about praying with faith. Do the evaluation on your personal prayers. I know that if you do, you will feel a difference in your life. You will be more patient; you will feel God's love. You will be happy. I love the temple! I know that it's the house of God and I love the spirit and comfort I feel there!

Sister Roberts
Luo Jie Mei

Chinese Name tag

District with President Newell

Special handshake with Sister Erickson

Sister Hughes with cast

Care package from Grandma and Natalie

Mandarin Elders

Roomies with Christmas cheer

Singing Hymns at Temple with Abby & Chase Toronto

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