Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 22 - Training ... CHECK; Phase I ... DONE; Transfer #3 Here I go

Hey ya'll!! 

So just to start off, I was NOT transferred, and am still in the heavenly sanctuary of Tai Dong. I hope to stay here for a long time too! :D

Sister Beeston went to Yong He and is a sister training leader! So fun! She has two transfers left! And this will be her 3rd area. Her whole mission she only had three areas! So crazy! My new companion is Sister Hadley. She's from Utah. Figures haha, everyone is from Utah. But she's super outgoing and super friendly. She's been out for about a year and this is her 5th area! So basically she hasn't stayed in an area for more than one transfer. She seems to be a great missionary. She said that president told her (while she was waiting in the mission office before coming down to Tai Dong) that he didn't know why, but that he felt very strongly that Sister Hadley and I were supposed to be companions at this time.

So Monday: We went to Tai Ma Li!!!! It's a 30 min train ride away and it's the most beautiful place you've ever seen! The ocean was sky blue and oh my goodness! There was no one on the beach and it was so so perfect! And it was a great farewell Sister B trip! 

That evening, we met this wonderful lady who was really excited we taught about Christ. Her name is Chen XJ. She is Christian (about 30) and she asked us to teach her and her nephews about Christ because she wants her two nephews to believe (for themselves) in Christ. Geng hao, that's what we do (Geng hao is like "much better"). So we had a great lesson with them the next day and just taught about what we did and taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. So yea, that was fun.

Tuesday: We found out Sister B was moving :( Sad day. That's pretty much all that happened.

Wednesday: Was crazy! We had to help Sister B pack, then get her on the train. I spent Wednesday and Thursday doing missionary work with Sister Hickenlooper and Sister Child, so that was super fun! Their area is a lot of the countryside and is very populated with dogs. Which is terrifying. I hope I still love my dog when I come back because wow dogs ... I can't look at a dog without stepping back and thinking whether or not it's going to start eating my face off... haha just kidding but not actually. They’re terrifying!

Thursday: Spent the day with Sister C and H and then met my new companion, Sister Hadley! Yay!

Friday: Had WPS and found some cool people. We also had Du Jing Ban. So just a normal day I guess.

Saturday: Found some more cool people, and we met with an RC's family. Her dad just passed away so her whole family is in town to worship him. Kinda strange, but we were able to share a little message about families. We also had a lesson with Xie XJ, and we had Sister Liu's come pei ke for us. It was great. She has a lot of great questions, and it's going to be good! Then on our way to dinner we saw Liu JM and Michael (her son) and she invited us to dinner. So we ate dinner with them, which was fun. And so so nice of her. She's like my second mom here! Such a blessing. 

Sunday: Mostly finding all day. Church was good.

Oh so I totally forgot to say, I passed off Phase #1 before the end of the transfer! How great is that?????!!!! I know God helped me so much and I couldn't have done it by myself. I'm off to phase two and I'm just so grateful that I worked as hard as I did. I know that if I didn't, I would regret it so much!

This week, I learned about weaknesses. I was a little frustrated that I’m not as good of a missionary as I would like to be. As in, I have this idea of where I want to be, and I understand that I'm not going to be there yet, but I just felt like I wasn't doing good enough,  that I wasn't progressing enough. But this week, I learned that it's totally fine that I'm not there yet. Also, a friend reminded me that I need to remember my potential instead of worrying about who I am at the moment. Remember who I can become, and trust that God will give me the experiences to get there. I also learned (or it was confirmed to me) that we are given weaknesses to bless us, and to make us humble. The scripture in Ether 12 says it all. But I was really grateful for my weaknesses because I was able to see how they could help me. And that will definitely apply this next transfer. It's going to be an interesting one!

Chinese is coming along great, and I understand more and more, and it's a miracle. The gift of tongues is real. 

I just wanted to let you all know that the Savior lives. I know it with all of my heart and soul. I'm so grateful for this opportunity I have to bear testimony of Him. Like my Dad said this week in his e-mail, this time is the hardest and most discouraging time, but also the most joyful BECAUSE I get to bear testimony of the Savior all day every day. I just hope and pray that I never take this opportunity for granted. It's so special and I'm so grateful!!! Just remember who you are. Remember your potential. If you aren't where you want to be, don't be discouraged. Remember who you are, you are a son or daughter of God, and He has sent you to this Earth to LEARN AND GROWN. You’re not supposed to be perfect yet because that's part of life. You need to have the experience of learning and becoming better. I hope that made sense! I love you all!!


Sister Roberts

Sisters Beeston, Child, Hickenlooper and Roberts


Cooking with Sister Yang Xing

I love Tai Dong!

My new companion - Sister Hadley

Beautiful Tai Ma Li!

Tai Ma Li

I love this picture!!!

More waves Tai Ma Li

Sister Yang Xing
Cecily's name & pic on our stake mission board right below her cousin Nathan Ward

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