Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 52 - Year Mark & Transfers

Holy smokes,

So first of all.....this week is my year mark. It was kinda crazy watching general conference because I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing last last year during general conference...and that I only had a couple weeks before I left to serve the lord for a year and a half...and look at me now. 4th area, 7th companion, and a lot of faith later, I just know I wouldn't be who I am without this opportunity to serve the Lord. Words cannot explain how grateful I am for this incredible opportunity and...I just don't know what to say other than I'm so grateful and I'm also grateful I still have 6 months left. This will be the best time of my mission I can feel it. I have more faith than I ever knew I could have and I didn't even know I lacked faith. But hou lai (turns out) God gave me all the necessary experiences to make me into who he wants me to be and here I go. 

This week was good! Sister Wang was transferred and is now in Tao Yuan. But it was funny cause we originally didn't get a text telling us we were moving so she was kinda bummed that she was staying because she's already bene here for 3. Well we were calling people and had a question so we called the AP's and she jokingly asked "So I'm not moving huh?" And the Elder said "What? Yea you are." So we took a little while to figure out what just happened. So she got moved and my new companion is Sister Miller. She's super cute! Looks half Taiwanese (I've had a lot of those haha) and is just super beautiful! She is an amazing missionary and I've already learned so much from her! She's two transfers behind me and we are just so excited to be here. 

We were doing WPS and we were praying about our baptismal goal for this transfer. As Sister Miller was praying I had the thought of 4, and my heart started to race...literally race. And I don't know if it's just because I'm super excited but I can't tell you how much I believe in this number. I know that if it's God’s will, we will have 4 baptisms this transfer. I'm feeling like we are going to baptize a family and we actually met someone who may or may not be it BUT if it doesn't happen in this transfer it'll happen while Sister Miller and I are together. AHHHHHH I"M SO EXCITED!!!!

So about this family, we were at a park the first day we were together and we were trying to find a LA's house, so we asked someone and then started talking to her. She set up with us, and the next day ching'd us Starbucks! (not coffee) and she became a new investigator (the way we suan (count) investigators just changed). So they don't suan as a new investigator until we meet with them once and then set up again). So yea she's a new investigator and we are really hoping that we can baptize her and her whole family, (family of 4). :D :D :D 

Serene was baptized this week!!!!! Not confirmed because of general conference (which side note she watched by herself, she's amazing) but yea! It was so awesome and I performed Redeemer on the piano (by Paul Cardall) and it was really awesome. She's so sweet and just an incredble example!!!! 

This p-day we went up to the Weddle's house with a bunch of other missionaries and just hung out with them. They fed us lunch and originally we wanted to go hiking but then it rained....I've heard it's supposed to rain a lot more in the winter and I'm nervous....cold and rain? Yikes.... jia you. 

General Conference was awesome and I just feel like I know how to be a good misisonary. I'm so grateful to be here and I loved hearing the comments the general authorities made about missionaries and missionary work. I have really felt so much gratitude to be a missionary and hearing general authorities talk about the gospel, just confirmed that I truly am God's missionary and that they support us. I don't know if that made sense. I JUST LOVE TAIWAN, AND THESE PEOPLE, AND THIS AREA, AND THIS GOSPEL, AND I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!! 

Side note, I also realized how awesome it is that I don't have to worry about anything except the people. I don't have to worry about money, school, dating, etc. I'm kinda free! And involved in the most amazing work in the world! How great is my calling?

I love you all and am so grateful for all the support I've had. I love yoU!!!!

Sister Roberts


We ran into our investigator Claire at Dan Shui university

District outing on P day

Serene's baptism

General Conference ... can you find the girl that looks like me :-)

Watching General Conference

Outing with the Weddle's and friends

Pday at the Weddle's ... Sister Toronto and I got to hang out together!

And we saw the Sevy's!

Abby and I wth the Sevy's!

So fun to see the Weddle's

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