Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Week 44: Home Sweet New Home

Da Jia Hao!

So we finally moved :) I forgot to mention that we had found an apartment and this week we moved. It's 
​not much newer but has a working kitchen. The trade off was the bathroom. It's pretty old and beat up
​, b​ut we have 4 AC units and two are brand new! I love it :) We are just still in the process 
​of ​cleaning and fixing up a few things. The washer isn't hooked up yet because the nozzle doesn't match the 
​tap and our water filter is also not
​ connected yet​. We just don't have any tools otherwise I would try to do it myself. It's hard balancing mission time and finding time to do this stuff. But it's all gonna work out. Transfers are the 25th which is so crazy. Sister DeWitt is almost done with training! TIME FLIES! I'll just say that again.....TIME FLIES!!!!!!!!! I don't know how in the world we are already done
 AND I'm over halfway done with my mission....anyway. 

Just a funny side note....almost everyday, I think about cutting my hair. It's too long and so annoying. It's not necessarily hot...just sweating is annoying and having to deal with it is annoying. I'm thinking going a medium length would be good.....except that I can't cut my 
 until I get back! Well not that I can't I just won't cause I've heard they don't know how to cut American hair here.....I should have cut off more before I left. Sorry that was
​n't so ​

It's pretty hot. BUT it's amazing 
cause I keep expecting it to get hotter. It has never once been unbearable and I'm so grateful. I really think God has blessed me with being able to deal with it. 

SO LET ME JUST TELL YOU ABOUT OUR AMAZING LIN DX!!! 7 days ago, he started quitting his 11 year smoking addiction
 and guess what
 Today he's smoking 4-5. He surprised us the other day. It was usually 10 for a few days. Then one night he called us and said the pain hasn't been as bad. Then when we asked how much he smoked, he said 
5." But we heard wrong and thought he said 15 so we were really bummed. But then he said it again, and he only smoked 5!!! He's so amazing!!!!!! He's getting baptized the 27th. Which is after transfers....so I'm hoping that President lets one of us come back for it. He's really 
 and not very talkative but he asked that both of us be there!!! 
 love him so much and this gospel is amazing! I have literally seen him change! He's more happy and just happier looking! 

So funny story! We went to look at the new apartment again because there were a few changes made. But we met our new gui tai (front desk guy), his name is Chen Xian Sheng (Mister Chen) and he is this little 73 year old man with no 
. When he talks, his mouth is so little and he is just the cutest man you'll ever meet. Especially because when we tried to ask him if he was the gui tai he's like 
 Then we asked him again "No" 
ith this little smile on his face. Then we were with the landlords and they said this is your new gui tai and he said 
 haha. Then later we asked him again or said something about it again and he denied it. Hahah love him! And then he's like "I get to see you everyday" In the most broken English I've heard! And we gave him an English tract and he said "A lot of people walk by here. I'll share this with them" So we gave him some more English tracts. Then we were leaving but saw an ice cream tricycle, and we went and bought some ice cream, and we look back at him, and he's talking to this mom and little girl and showing them an English tract. And pointing to us. Amazing! :D 

Sorry that was kinda off topic. I'm just telling you things now. Nothing else happened. Went on exchanges. I'm just grateful I'm not in Taibei...but who knows maybe I'll be back there soon. 

That's pretty much it. I've learned recently, that God doesn't necessarily answer our prayers in our prayers. I feel like my whole mission life I've had this mindset that I can only get answers through prayers but I learned 
​this week ​
that that's not always how it goes. I've known
​ that​
 we get answers to prayers through other people and other ways, but I just need to apply it now. 

Sister DeWitt and I had a super great talk in WPS. She opened up and just expressed things that I had said when I first got here. Words that came out of her mouth were literally EXACT words
​ to mine​
. And it was cool. I can't say I necessarily knew how to help but I just love her and 
t's super cool how similar we are! :D 

That's all. I love you all and know that this gospel is true!!! I'll write next Tuesday because we have someone special this next Monday coming for a mission conference. I think someone from the 70. Yay! :D I love you!!!

Sister Roberts

Our District & couple of members

District hike to a Miao on Pday

Making wishes at a Miao

Our District & Brother Cai - he helps us pei ke with investigators

District outing on P-Day

WU XS and XJ. Our waffle friends! We go eat waffles a lot and get candy from their candy store!!!! I love them!

Our huge new balcony!

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